Moving Your Site to a New Domain? Get Top Tips from Unitel Direct

Moving your website to another domain is certainly a tough task. Not only do you risk losing your audience, but also bear the risk of losing your rankings on the search engines. Needless to mention, as inevitable as the situation may be, it is certainly an unnerving decision to make.


If you are planning to move your existing site to another domain, then don’t worry! Unitel Direct, one of the expert service providers in the field of online marketing and web development solutions, brings to you some great tips that can help you let go the fear of losing your rankings on the search engines.

  • Registration is important – Registering your new domain is important. If you have not already done that, then don’t forget to register as well as verify your domain with Google and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Content is the King – Yes! It goes without saying that content is extremely important for any website’s ultimate success. In order to avoid losing your potential audience, make sure that you have new content for your new website. There are many interesting concepts that are moving up the ladder in the content world. Engage and retain your audience with blog posts, informative articles, infographics and the rest.
  • Copying the contents step by step – It is important that you do not rush while moving your site to a new domain. Follow a step by step approach wherein the contents of a single subdomain are copied from the old website to the new one. For this, using the 301 redirect would be the right thing to do.
  • Check the ranks – Once you have moved a few sections of your old site to the new one, you can then check the rankings on Google and other search engines. This will help you get a bird’s eye view of whether the process is going to be actually fruitful or not. If the rankings do not suffer, then you can continue with the rest of the migration. However, if your rankings suffer, then it becomes all the more important to identify the probable causes.

Unitel Direct offers many such tips that can help you move your website to the new domain in an easy manner. Contact the experts from this company today and know more of such tips!

Hashtags- Efficacious to Draw Pertinent Traffic

Hashtags have become an effective platform for both consumers and companies to find each other. They are creative tools to gain popularity for your business, successfully engaging your target group. From Twitter to Instagram, Pinterest to Facebook, hashtags are used everywhere and its importance can’t be ignored.

Hashtags used strategically, leads to relevant increase of brand awareness and can find relevant conversations and interesting people to follow. To have an in-depth idea of the use of hashtags in the social media for business, let’s go through some significant points.

  • Find relevant conversations

Use of hashtags in Twitter helps you to find what people are interested in and inquisitive about. You can easily find a place for relevant conversation, identifying the most influential participants and understanding their sentiments.

hashtags in Twitter

  • Identify the demographics of the participants

You can use listening tools to find out how far your hashtag has travelled and might be surprised to see who actually uses your tag. It enables you to identify the demographics of the participants, when you are busy focussing on a particular geographical location.

  • See the longevity of your message

The longevity of message is equally important as its reach and frequency, especially on the social web. So, by monitoring hashtags, you can find out for how long your message lasted, along with whether it was simply retweeting to your original message or developing conversations

  • Catch negative sentiment and change their opinion

It helps you to see the reactions and questions over your message and accordingly you can engage them in conversation with the goal of changing the negative opinion of people, or at least to lessen the negative impact.

  • Amplify positive sentiment

You can amplify positive conversations by retweeting to positive comments and engage the proponents as well. It also helps you to get your messages travel faster.

Realising the importance of using hashtags in the social media is vital to gain popularity and spread product awareness. However, you must also know to use these tags strategically and effectively for maximum output. To help you on how to effectively make use of hashtags in your social media marketing, here are some ways.

Ways to use the Power of Hashtags

  • Select the right words

Hashtags are not meant to be used with every word. So, you must find the appropriate words to use these tags. These focussed little characters make it easier to find and organise relevant content.

  • Test your message

Test your message to see what resonates with your customers in the best way possible. You can also search different social media website you intend to use for hashtags and look for the most effective words.

  • Don’t overdo it

Just because you can, does not necessarily mean that you should. You must avoid using more than one or two hashtags per post. It is also not necessary to use them in every single post.

Hashtags are one of today’s best shortcuts to broaden your horizons and sphere of influence in the market.